Employment Court / Te Kōti Take Mahi Quick Links

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Commentary | Case Law | Journals | Useful Resources

Employment Court Bench Book (Open using Microsoft Edge)


NZ Statutes
PCO | Lexis Advance | Westlaw
NZ Secondary Legislation
PCO | Lexis Advance | Westlaw
Courts Matters Act 2018
PCO | Lexis Advance | Westlaw

Electronic Courts and Tribunals Act 2016
PCO | Lexis Advance | Westlaw

Employment Court Regs 2000
PCO | Lexis Advance | Westlaw

Employment Relations Act 2000
PCO | Lexis Advance | Westlaw

Employment Relations Amdt Act 2010
PCO | Lexis Advance | Westlaw

Employment Relations Amdt Act 2014
PCO | Lexis Advance | Westlaw

Employment Relations Authority Regs 2000
PCO | Lexis Advance | Westlaw

Employment Relations (Breaks, Infant Feeding and Other Matters) Amdt Act 2008
PCO | Lexis Advance | Westlaw

Employment Relations (Triangular Employment) Amendment Act 2019
PCO | Lexis Advance | Westlaw

Employment Services and Income Support (Integrated Administration) Act 1998
PCO | Lexis Advance | Westlaw

Equal Pay Act 1972
PCO | Lexis Advance | Westlaw

Health and Safety at Work Act 2015
PCO | Lexis Advance | Westlaw

Health and Safety at Work (Mining Operations and Quarrying Operations) Regs 2016
PCO | Lexis Advance | Westlaw

Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992 (repealed)
PCO | Lexis Advance | Westlaw

Health and Safety in Employment Regs 1995
PCO | Lexis Advance | Westlaw

Health and Safety in Employment (Mining Admin) Regs 1996 (Revoked)
PCO | Westlaw

Health and Safety in Employment (Mining Operations and Quarrying Operations) Regs 2013 (Revoked)
PCO | Westlaw

High Court Rules 2016
PCO | Lexis Advance | Westlaw

Holidays Act 2003
PCO | Lexis Advance | Westlaw

Human Rights Act 1993
PCO | Lexis Advance | Westlaw

Minimum Wage Act 1983
PCO | Lexis Advance | Westlaw

Parental Leave and Employment Protection Act 1987
PCO | Lexis Advance | Westlaw

Tribunals Powers and Procedures Legislation Act 2018
PCO | Lexis Advance | Westlaw
Volunteers Employment Protection Act 1973
PCO | Lexis Advance | Westlaw
Wages Protection Act 1983
PCO | Lexis Advance | Westlaw


Employment Law (Westlaw) High Court Rules (McGechan) (Westlaw) Mazengarb's Employment Law (Lexis Advance)

Morison's Company Law (Lexis Advance)

Personal Grievances (Lexis Advance)

Wrongful Dismissal and Employment Law (Canada eText)

Case Law

All Employment Cases (Westlaw)

Case Search (Westlaw)

Employment Court of NZ Decisions (NZLII)
Employment Law Database (Department of Labour) Employment Reports of NZ (Westlaw) Judicial Decisions Online (JDO)
Linxplus (Lexis Advance) NZ Employment Law Reports (Lexis Advance) NZ Law Reports (Lexis Advance)
NZLII Unreported Employment Cases (Westlaw)


Australian Journal of Labour Law (Lexis Advance)

Employment Law Bulletin NZ (Lexis Advance)

Industrial Law Journal (UK)
Email to request login details
NZ Journal of Employment Relations
2003-2019 | 2020 onwards

Useful Resources

Employment Relations Authority Find a Lawyer or Organisation (NZ Law Society) Laws of NZ (Lexis Advance)

Lexis Advance home page

NZ Law Style Guide (Law Foundation)

NZ Legal Words and Phrases (Lexis Advance)

Practical Guidance - Employment (Lexis Advance)

Statutory Interpretation (Westlaw)

Westlaw home page